Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A welcome change

Here are some photos I would like to post for you. Some may find them offensive. I'm looking forward to the change of season and location. I finally moved out of Oakville and am starting to get settled into my new location. I will be posting more images in the coming weeks. I have a lot of organizing left and have not had time to sit down and write a thoughtful blog post so you will have to wait till I'm settled in a bit more.
Oh! and tiles more tile posts. I was pleased to see a deer today I was so surprised I didn't notice the doe and by the time I realized it was there I had scared them off.


  1. These are gorgeous pictures! I'm working on a monarch embroidery right now so it's great timing!

  2. I couldn't believe how many I saw. They were flying all around me. I was using an old camera that I couldn't remember how to use so it was hard getting the shots I wanted.

  3. I amma confused about the offense

    What part of Toronto are you going to be in?

  4. The butterflies are offensive to some. North Etobicoke.
