Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer's almost over

The London Potters Guild fall class schedule is online. We have a variety of classes for all skill levels. I will be teaching the Friday night class again. The last class I taught was six weeks long and each class was 2.5 hours but this time it will be a full 8 week class and 3 hours long. I'm looking forward to that as the last class was difficult to cover all the topics and spend enough time helping each student develop. This will be the first time we will have adult classes on the second as the renovations were just completed this summer. It's a great space to work in I had the opportunity to run some workshops for kids and did a week of kids clay camp on the second floor.
Here is a brief description of the class I will be teaching.
General Pottery I* with Sean Robinson
Friday Evenings from 7:30-10:30pm (8wk)
Sept 20 to Nov 8
This is a comprehensive introduction to working in clay. Learn hand building techniques such as pinching, coiling, soft and hard slab building, and press moulding. Students will also work on the potter’s wheel, and will learn the basics to create their own pieces. The students will end with a collection of their own glazed pieces.
* If you are new to pottery, this is the class LPG recommends.
$15 toolkit is included in the price
and here is a direct link to the registration page.

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