Saturday, April 13, 2013

The next round of pottery classes

So I'm halfway through my first pottery class at the London Potter's Guild. I hope my students are enjoying it as much as I am. The next round of class starts next month and the registration is up online. I'm teaching another Friday night class if enough people sign up for it. Each class at the guild needs a minimum of 6 students to go ahead. I should write my instructors bio for the website before I go to bed tonight. 

General Pottery I*
Sean Robinson
7:30-10pm (6wk)
May 10 - June 21

General Pottery I
Teacher: Sean Robinson
Day and Time: Friday 7:30 - 10pm (6wk)
Date: May 10 to June 21
Adult Rate: $120.00 + 15.60 hst = $135.60 + Toolkit
LPG Members: $105.00 + 13.65 hst = $118.65 + Toolkit
This is a comprehensive introduction to working in clay. Learn hand building techniques such as pinching, coiling, soft and hard slab building, and press moulding. Students will also work on the potter’s wheel, and will learn the basics to create their own pieces. The students will end with a collection of their own glazed pieces. * If you are new to pottery, this is the class LPG recommends.
New students need to purchase a $15.00 toolkit.
Toolkit is included in your registration cost.

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